Product roadmap: January 2018 update

“Which new features is Tide working on?” we’re often asked, “and when will I see the one I most care about?”
Here’s your answer.
It’s in a timeline format – but without timings. Because great technology, like great art, should sometimes take as long as it needs. Having said that, what’s in the ‘Short term’ column is typically weeks away from launch, ‘Medium term’ a few months away, and ‘Long term’ further out.
We’ll keep this list updated, moving items as projects get closer to delivery. Occasionally, a launch will be pushed back or reprioritised. We’re constantly learning about what appeals to our members and making trade-offs.
We’re also working on things we won’t reveal here. Because they’re not ready to share. Or because they improve our infrastructure and make your experience better, without delivering anything more obvious than a faster, more responsive app.
All of which is to say: if you’re a Tide fan already, you ain’t seen nothing yet.