How Tide partners with accountants

We’re delighted to have hundreds of accountants across the UK on our partner programme. Still not quite sure what a partnership actually is? Read on…

The idea of a ‘partnership’ can sound quite formal, but at Tide that’s not the case. As a partner, you’ll be able to set your new and existing clients up with Tide accounts, in addition to priority onboarding, free transfers and helpful tools.

Our aim is to stop you and your clients wasting time on banking and admin, and to get you both back to doing what really matters.

Benefits for accountants

There are many reasons why accountants choose to partner with us, but there’s one benefit that stands out: Tide allows accountants to serve their clients better and faster. We’re guessing you didn’t become a tech-savvy accountant to send clients to queue for weeks at a high-street bank! So thanks to our quick sign-up process, your clients can walk away from an initial meeting with both an accountant and their sort code and account number.

Once partnered, accountants can reach out directly to our team via a dedicated account manager. Call, email, text, WhatsApp, carrier pigeon – you name it, we’ll roll with it. However you’d like to communicate with us, we’ll be here to support you and your clients.

The programme also enables partners to have access to exclusive tools, such as the Account Reader – a dashboard specifically to reduce the back and forth between accountants and their clients. Once granted access, the dashboard allows ongoing read-only access to client transactions, available for download in .csv whenever needed.

As well as simple pricing, quick sign-up and an app packed with time-saving tools, partners can directly reward their clients when they refer them to Tide. Free transfers are incorporated into the partner programme, so partners can pass on an extra benefit to the clients and save them money too.

From accountant to Tide partner

If you’ve got any questions or would like to find out whether you qualify for the partner programme, register your interest here or drop us an email at [email protected].