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Contact us

Whether it's an emergency or a quick question, support is available for you 24/7


General queries

For when you need support using your Tide account, your Tide product isn't working as expected, or you'd like more information.

In-app chat

The fastest way to find support.

Tap 'Support' > 'Messages'.


If you can't use your app or have feedback.

Email hello@tide.co and our team will reply.


Find the answer to your question.

Visit our FAQs for instant information.

Fraud or lost cards

If you believe you've been targeted by a scam, or your card is lost or stolen, contact our Fraud Rapid Response team immediately.

However you contact them, our dedicated team of experts are available 24/7.

In-app chat

Your Tide in-app chat is 100% secure.

Tap 'Support' > 'Report fraud'.


If you're in the UK, you can call 159.

Supported by Stop Scams UK.

Raise a complaint

If you're unhappy with your Tide experience, you can always let us know.

Just provide a brief description of your situation and we'll work to resolve your issue.


Reach our dedicated complaints team.

Email complaints@tide.co and we'll reply.

In-app chat

Tap 'Support' > 'Messages'.

Let us know you're raising a complaint and we'll send your message to our dedicated team.


Complaints can be posted to:

Tide Complaints 4th Floor, The Featherstone Building, 66 City Road, London, EC1Y 2AL

What happens once you've made a complaint

We aim to acknowledge and resolve your complaint within 3 working days. In the unlikely event that we're unable to do this, we'll provide a final response within 8 weeks.

If you're unhappy with our response or handling of your complaints, you can refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service.

This is a free service which will look at your complaint and provide a resolution. Just make sure to contact them within 6 months of receiving our final response.

Find more information

Tide Help Centre

Dedicated to helping you use Tide. Find in-depth information, video tutorials and more.

Learn more


Frequently asked questions

If you've got a specific query, our FAQs are the quickest way to find the answer.

Find your answer
