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Our routine security reviews

We conduct routine reviews of all Tide accounts.

These reviews check the accounts' activity, how they make their money, the industries they operate in, and whether the details of the account holder or their business have changed. If they have, we'll need more information from the member to confirm this.

Learn everything you need to know about this process below.


Why we conduct reviews

To protect our members

We must make sure all members use Tide according to our terms of service.

If someone goes against these terms and we don't act, this could negatively affect the service our members receive.

To provide our services

We can only offer our services to certain businesses.

If a member's business changes, such as changing the way it makes money, this could mean it's no longer eligible for a Tide account.

To meet our obligations

We are fully regulated by the UK's Financial Conduct Authority.

Conducting reviews, including the way we conduct them, is something we must do as part of our regulatory obligations.


What happens when we need more information about your account

  1. We'll send a message to your app to let you know Find this by tapping 'Support' > 'Messages'

  2. We'll ask for information, and documents if needed Learn how to provide these documents below

  3. We may pause your account during our review Depending on the issue and its complexity

  4. We review the information you provide This may take up to 20 days, but usually takes under 2

  5. For legal reasons we can't provide updates Starting new chats with our team only causes delays

  6. Once complete, we'll let you know the outcome To continue your account or in some cases close it


How to help avoid disruption to your account

1. Tell us about any changes ahead of time

Let us know any changes to your personal information, your shareholders' or directors' information, the industry you operate in, or how you make your money by tapping 'Support' > 'Messages' in your Tide app. You can also update your personal information in your app at any time.

2. Respond to our message quickly

We usually only have to pause your account if there's a delay to your response. Be alert to our messages by turning on notifications for your Tide app. When replying to us, provide your documents in the ways shown below.

3. Avoid starting multiple chats with our team

We are legally forbidden from providing updates while reviewing the information you've provided. We'll tell you the outcome in the chat that contained our first message. Any new chats you start will cause delays by taking time from our team.

How to provide proof of your identity

Photos or screenshots are accepted for all documents, and they should be provided as PDF files.

Provide them by replying to our message in your app. Tap 'Support' > 'Messages' to find it.

We only need one of any:

UK driving license

Must be non-expired, must not be provisional


Must be non-expired

ID card

Must be non-expired

Biometric residence permit

Must be non-expired

How to provide proof of your address

Photos or screenshots are accepted for all documents, and they should be provided as PDF files.

Provide them by replying to our message in your app. Tap 'Support' > 'Messages' to find it.

We only need one of any:

UK driving license

Must be non-expired, must not be provisional

Biometric residence permit

Must be non-expired

Utility bill

Must be issued within last 3 months

Gas, electric, internet, television, and landline bills are all accepted

Council tax bill

Must be issued within the current tax year (April to April)

Council confirmation of electoral register entry

Must be issued within the last 12 months

Bank, building society or credit union statement

Must be issued in the last 3 months

Letter of bank account opening or a bank letter

Must be issued in the last 3 months

Must detail your banking information, not a marketing material

Original mortgage statement

Must be issued in the last 12 months

Must be from a recognised lender

HMRC self-assessment letter

Must be issued within the current tax year (April to April)

Must be personal to you rather than your business, and show your address rather than your business address

Solicitor’s letter

Must be issued within the last 3 months

Must confirm your recent house purchase

Land registry confirmation of address

Must be issued within the last 3 months

Signed tenancy agreement

The date you provide it must fall within the date the agreement relates to

Council or housing association rent card

Must be non-expired

Must cover the current time period

Government correspondence

Must be issued in the last 3 months

Must come from an official government department, such as Department for Work and Pensions or Home Office

National Insurance Number letter

Must be issued within the current tax year (April to April)

Must be personal to you rather than your business, and show your address rather than your business address

GP practice confirmation of registry

Must be issued in the last 12 months

Court-issued cocumentation

Must be issued in the last 3 months

NHS medical card

Must be non-expired

How to provide proof of your business

Rather than clearly stating a fact, such as your driving license stating your address, proof for your business can be trickier to verify.

So it’s best if you can provide as much evidence as possible from the options below.

We need to see that the evidence you provide is genuine, and hasn’t been created simply to satisfy our request.

Provide this proof by replying to our message in your app. Tap 'Support' > 'Messages' to find it.

Business website

Most useful if it shows your business activity, such as the goods/services provided and the industry it operates in

Most useful if it shows your business operations, such as the age/size of the business and the trading/marketing channels

Most useful if it shows your business identity, such as the company name, registered name, copyright and registered company number

Business bank statements

Most useful if they show verifiable business transactions, such as showing your purchase of a website domain name

Most useful if they show verifiable business expenses, such as employee salaries or office space rent payments

CSV and PDF files are accepted, screenshots are not

Social media profiles

Such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

More useful the longer the profile has been established

Most useful if it shows your business activity, such as regular posts about offers and new products

Most useful if it shows customer engagement, such as through likes, comments, queries and feedback


What to do if we have to close your account

In some cases we may be required by law to close your account. In the unlikely event that this happens to you, make sure you:

  1. Move all funds out of your account to an account of your choosing This is not the same as moving your money to a 'safe account', a common scam in which you'll be pressured to move your money to an account of the scammer's choosing

  2. Cancel any active direct debits and scheduled payments You will need to reauthorise these payments from another account you hold

  3. Download any statements you may need We'll also send you a secure email containing your full transaction history within 10 days, which you can ask for again any time within 5 years of your account closing

Once you've done this, let us know by tapping 'Support' > 'Messages' in your Tide app and we'll confirm the account closure.