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Card Reader

How do I keep my Tide card reader safe?

Visual inspection

  • Verify the payment terminal is the same as shown in our documentation, in the user manual specific for the payment terminal model.

  • After the payment terminal has started up, verify the Adyen logo or your company logo appears on the terminal display.

  • Verify no cameras or skimming equipment are attached to the payment terminal. Check for anything inserted in or attached to the card reader, ports, display, or keypad.

Device integrity inspection

  • Verify the payment terminal isn't physically damaged. Check for missing seals or screws, holes in the device, and added wires or labels.

  • Check your camera footage for suspicious activities around the payment terminal.

  • Verify that store staff and camera footage cannot see the customers' PINs when they enter this on a payment terminal.

Awareness of suspicious activity

  • Verify the identity of any third-party persons claiming to be repair or maintenance personnel, before granting them access to modify or troubleshoot payment terminals.

  • Always be aware of suspicious behaviour around payment terminals. For example, attempts by unknown persons to disconnect or open devices.

  • Always report suspicious behaviour to Tide.

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