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Am I eligible for Credit Line?

We no longer offer Tide Credit Line. If you have an existing Credit Line account, the below information may apply to you.

We run eligibility checks every day and base our decisions by analysing a variety of sources of information to make sure you can comfortably repay your line of credit.

Some of these criteria include; 

  • You must be a registered business for no more than 2 years

  • You must be a Tide member for a minimum of 6 months

  • You must have a minimum annual turnover of £100,000

  • You must not have any County Court Judgments (CCJs) against your business in the last 12 months

Other factors, such as your company credit score, the revenue paid into your Tide account, and the frequency you use your Tide account will also impact your eligibility.

You won’t ever have to apply for Credit Line as we’ll do everything on your behalf and notify you when you’re eligible.

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