A large number of impersonation calls that pretend to be your bank will try to get you to make a payment while you’re on the phone. Tide will never ask you to make a payment on the phone.
However, fraudsters pressure people to do this by inventing reasons about why you need to move your money as soon as possible. With Call Protection, if somebody does call you from Tide and ask you to move your money, you know for sure whether it’s really us, by simply using Call Verification in the app.
If you’re on the phone and you go to make a payment in the app, you’ll always get a prompt to check if the caller is from Tide. This way, you don’t have to remember – just pay attention to, and follow our in-app warnings to be more secure.
Remember: you can pause a phone call at any point, either before making a payment, or afterwards to check if you’re speaking to Tide. We always recommend checking before you make a payment to best protect your business.
To minimise the call screen and use Call Verification:
Swipe up to your home screen and open the Tide app on iPhone.
Press the home button or swipe up and open the Tide app on Android.
Now you can stay on the line while using the app at the same time. Some people put the caller on loudspeaker at this point to make things easier.
If the app says you’re not speaking to Tide – stop and call 159*, or tap Support to open a chat with us.