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Tide Team Access

What is Tide’s Team Access feature?

Tide’s Team Access allows both registered companies and sole traders to give more access to their team members. 

The person who opens the Tide account is automatically an ‘Admin’, but as registered companies often have more than one director, the first admin can add more admins (company directors) to operate the account.

Below is a list of the other Team Access levels that you can give your team:

  • Admins of both sole traders and registered companies can add team members with the following access:

View-only (users can view account information but cannot perform any actions)

View, draft, send & pay (pay bills and make bank transfers, plus, full tax and invoicing access)

Expense Card holder (manage their own Expense Card and add receipts to their expenses)

Cashier (accept payments with Tide Card Reader)

Accountant (access to bookkeeping and Tide Accounting Extra features)

  • Admins of registered companies can also give other company directors the following access:

Admin (full app access - add team members, activate products, including loans, and more) or any of the above access levels

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