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Tide Instant Checkout

What is ‘Tide Instant Checkout’, and how does it work?

With Tide Instant Checkout, you can create and share unique links for your business’ products or services that will take your customer straight to the checkout. We call those ‘Instant Checkout Links’.

Instant Checkout Links are versatile, and can be placed on Web pages, on business social media profiles, or shared directly with your customers. When the Instant Checkout Link is used, it takes your customer to a web page that includes a description of the product or service, and a card payment option. 

Each Instant Checkout Link must be for a single product or service, but can be reused to collect payments. That means, that unlike standard Payment Links, you don’t need to create a new link each time. 

The products and services you sell using Tide Instant Checkout, must match the nature of your business and not violate our Terms & Conditions.

The list of businesses that aren't permitted to use Tide Instant Checkout or Payment Links can be found here.

How do I use Tide Instant Checkout?

To activate Tide Instant Checkout and list your products and services, open your app and go to ‘Get paid’ > ‘Sell items online’ > read and agree to the Terms and Conditions > 'Start selling' > ‘Add new item’ > ‘Save’.

You will only need to read the Terms and Conditions the first time you access the Instant Checkout.

To see your list of Instant Checkout Links, go to ‘Get Paid’ > ‘Sell items online’, in the app. 

For now, you can’t edit or delete any Instant Checkout Links you add. If a product or service becomes unavailable or contains an error, you can turn off the link in the app by tapping: ‘Get Paid’ > ‘Sell items online’ > selecting the link and turning off the ‘Available for Sale’ toggle

When will I receive the payments I collected with Tide Instant Checkout?

It usually takes 3 business days to receive a payment collected with Tide Instant Checkout. If your payment takes longer, tap ‘Support’ in your app and tell us. 

Where can I see my Tide Instant Checkout transactions? 

You can see your Tide Instant Checkout transactions on your timeline, in the Tide app. Each of these payments will have the reference ‘Products and Services’.

To see the Instant Checkout Links that have been paid by your customers, open the Tide app > tap 'Get Paid' > 'Manage your Payment Links’. 

Here, you’ll also see all Payment Links as transactions, and can filter them by status: ‘paid’, ‘unpaid’, ‘expired’ or ‘cancelled.’

You can see them on Tide on the web too, by heading to ‘Tools & Services’ > ‘Payment Links’. Then, select a payment to see the details, including the customer’s email and billing address.

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