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Virtual office address

How do I cancel?

You can cancel your subscription for your virtual office address at any time by messaging us in the Tide app. We’ll email you to confirm we’ve cancelled your subscription. Before we can begin to process your cancellation request, you must first give us an alternative address for your registered office and correspondence address. It is your legal responsibility to inform HMRC and Companies House of your change of address prior to contacting us.

If you cancel mid-month, you won’t receive a refund for the remainder of the month. Processing your cancellation can take up to three days so to avoid being charged for the following month, please request your cancellation a minimum of four days before your payment date.

From the date you cancel, all mail sent to the virtual office address will be returned to the sender, so you must update your details with Companies House and HMRC before cancelling. If you cancel your subscription, you can’t re-subscribe via Tide. However, you may set up another subscription by contacting our provider Hoxton Mix directly.

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