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I’m having trouble scanning my ID.

We accept most national driving licenses, ID documents and passports, however some older versions of ID documents may not be accepted.

If you’re having difficulty scanning your ID, please ensure that you are taking a clear photo on a flat surface, in a well-lit environment. You’ll also need to grant Tide access to your camera (usually you’ll receive an in-app prompt, otherwise you can update your settings).

Still having trouble?

  • Ensure the image is in focus. We’ll only be able to validate your ID documents if we capture an image that’s in focus. By default, your camera will try to focus on the document, which may take a few seconds. Alternatively, tap the preview screen to force the camera to re-focus (currently Android-only).

  • Avoid low-light conditions. In the absence of good lighting, motion blur can prevent the capture of a sharp image. Ensure the ID is well-lit location when capturing the image for best effect.

  • Avoid glare. Overhead lights and direct sunlight can illuminate the holograms that appear on some ID documents, obscuring identity details. Avoid bright light sources directly overhead.

  • Frame the photo. We need to capture a photo of the entire ID document in order to complete validation checks, not just the text containing identity information. Make sure the camera is capturing the entire ID so the edges align with the dark grey border in the image preview. Avoid taking photos of the ID from an angle.

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