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How much will a Tide account cost?

We don’t charge monthly or annual fees to hold a Tide current account.

You only pay for what you use:

  • Bank transfers (in or out) - 20p

  • Cash withdrawals in GBP - £1

  • Cash deposits (through the Post Office) - £2.50 for deposits up to £500, or 0.5% of the total deposit amount for deposits over £500

  • Cash deposits (through PayPoint) - 3% of the total deposit value

  • Payments between Tide accounts - Free

  • Card transactions in GBP (home and abroad) - Free Important: From 19 September 2024, Free plan members will be charged a fee of 1.75 % of the transaction amount, for card payments or ATM withdrawals in foreign currencies. Plus, Pro and Cashback plan members will not be charged this fee.

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